度 & 项目 运动机能学


Passionate about their field, 教授在课堂上与你密切合作,并让你参与他们的研究项目. 个人, 互动和相关的课程让你接触到整个人体运动学-生物物理学, behavioral and sociocultural—and help you dig deeper into your studies. 实习让你有机会观察和协助各种卫生专业,并发展自己的职业道路. 韦斯特蒙在顶尖研究生院的良好声誉有助于您通过研究生课程继续接受教育.


B.S. in Movement and Exercise Science

This track puts particular emphasis on exercise science, pre-physical and occupational therapies, 医师助理, cardiac rehabilitation and other allied health fields.

B.S. in Movement and the Medical Sciences



  • KNS/BIO 011 Human Anatomy with Lab (4)
  • KNS/BIO 012 Human Physiology with Lab (4)
  • KNS/BIO 040 Human Nutrition (4)
  • KNS 072 Foundations of 运动机能学 (2)
  • MA 005 Introduction to Statistics (4)
  • Electives that meet 8 units requirement in the major
  • KNS 101 Biomechanics with Lab (4)
  • KNS 105 Physiology of Exercise with Lab (4)
  • KNS 148 Psychology of Movement (2)
  • KNS 149 Sociology of Movement, Health and Sport (2)
  • KNS 166 Public Speaking in 运动机能学 (4)
  • KNS 181 Special Populations (4)
  • KNS 185运动行为(4)
  • KNS 195 Senior Capstone (2)
  • Electives that meet 8 units requirement in the major



  • 物理治疗
  • 职业治疗
  • 医生
  • 医师助理
  • 护理
  • 个人培训
  • 脊椎按摩疗法
  • 体育训练
  • 运动生理学
  • 心脏康复
  • 公共和全球卫生
  • 老年医学


运动机能学专业的学生通过观察专职健康专家,如物理治疗师,将理论付诸实践, 职业治疗师, 医生, orthopedic surgeons and athletic trainers in the Santa Barbara community.


全球卫生乌干达  Capture the student experience 在这里.



See career paths for graduates who majored or minored in kinesiology at Westmont.



The fight against malaria is no easy task, but Melody (Miles) Daly ' 09 她目前担任该法案的公共卫生专家和项目官员,为这场战斗带来了丰富的实地经验 & 梅琳达·盖茨基金会. After graduating from Westmont College with her Bachelors in Science, Melody continued to add to her arsenal of knowledge by earning her M.P.H. 在埃默里大学获得全球健康学位,获得神学证书,并在富勒神学院工作. Not about to slow down, Melody went on to work for the U.S. 疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)和世界卫生组织(WHO). In the five plus years she worked for those two organizations, Melody served as a Public Health Advisor for the CDC President’s Malaria Initiative, 作为监测和评估研究员向东非政府疟疾项目提供技术援助, 并审查了H1N1流感大流行期间实施的所有非药物应对措施.

艾米丽 (McCardle) Ecklund '13, who graduated from Loma Linda University with a master's in occupational therapy, 被美国职业治疗协会的新兴领导者发展项目录取了吗, 它认可并投资15名来自全国各地的学生和新从业者,他们在职业生涯的开始就表现出对专业服务的奉献和承诺. 艾米丽 is the first Loma Linda University alumna accepted into this program. 她将与一位导师合作,发表有关职业治疗在女性从性行业转型中的作用的研究,以及为美国性交易幸存者的未成年女孩开发的职业治疗项目.S.

After graduating from Westmont in 2002, 艾莉森(诺德)桑奎斯特 在她开始在查普曼大学的物理治疗项目之前,她花了一年的时间在圣巴巴拉工作和享受. 她于2006年毕业于查普曼大学,获得物理治疗博士学位,并在圣巴巴拉的Hayashida and Associates工作了六年,担任物理治疗师. During that time she became certified as an orthopedic specialist (OSC), competitively raced outrigger canoes for the Santa Barbara Outrigger Canoe Club, and coached pole-vault at Westmont. In 2012, 艾莉森和她的丈夫搬到了新西兰,在那里她断断续续地做着理疗师的工作.

“I feel so blessed to have been a part of Westmont and its incredible community. 它不仅为我提供了知识基础和工具,使我能够成功, but it also helped me develop a deep, 整体人生观,毕业生说。 本·约翰逊10. 本当然从韦斯特蒙特学院得到了他所能得到的最多的东西,他以优异的成绩毕业,获得了运动机能学学士学位.

Kelsey Kasten, 12岁 has passed the last of six exams to become a certified prosthetist orthotist, 或CPO,  有资格评估, fabricate and fit patients with prosthetic and orthotic devices. 她说:“假肢指的是假肢,矫形指的是任何类型的支撑. We fabricate prostheses for people who have lost limbs due to trauma or disease, and orthoses to help people with diseases such a cerebral palsy, 后脑血管意外, 脊髓损伤, 还有许多人提高了他们的行走能力,实现了其他功能目标. I became interested in this field sometime during my senior year at Westmont, 当我意识到我想在我的职业生涯中做点什么,让我每天都能帮助人们走路时. 我去了华盛顿大学,在那里我获得了义肢和矫形学的硕士学位. After grad school, you must complete a yearlong residency in each discipline. 我在爱荷华大学医院完成了矫形住院实习,在马里兰州的一家私人诊所完成了义肢住院实习. I continue to work at this private practice, w在这里 I enjoy working with patients as they learn to walk again, 实现他们的目标!

克里斯·埃克伦,96年 感谢运动机能系为他开启职业生涯奠定的基础.  最初, 他曾做过私人教练,在一家健身俱乐部担任管理职务,后来升任高中教师和系主任, adjunct faculty and strength coach at a community college, performance coach in the private sector, part-time instructor at the University of California Santa Barbara, full circle back to Westmont as adjunct faculty, 美国国家运动医学研究院的理疗师、训练师/指导员和特别顾问.  Through the Lord’s leading in 2009, he opened the Prevail Conditioning Performance Center in Santa Barbara, CA.  Prevail focuses on integrated wellness and performance through training, manual therapy and nutrition.  他一点也不知道,在韦斯特蒙特的时光会让他掌握经营企业的实用和可转移的技能.  毕业后,他在韦斯特蒙特的时光也让他有机会见到他的生活伴侣和妻子, 艾米丽 (McCardle“13).  他们一起庆祝2019年9月5日出生的儿子詹姆森·埃克伦.

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